Forecast for the epoch 419

Epoch 418 Summary for BKV Pool

Performance summary of the BKV pool for epoch 418 on the Cardano blockchain. During this epoch, the active stake in the BKV pool was ₳144.21k, representing the total ADA delegated …

Epoch 417, BKV Pool summary

Active stake: ₳144.21kBlocks minted: 0Total stakeholders: 5Lifetime ROS: 0.56%Live stake: ₳142.58kPool Saturation: 0.2% Estimated blocks epoch 418: 0.13 BKV tokens left for distribution: 70 000

Epoch 416 summary

4th Jun 2023 9:44:51 PM – 9th Jun 2023 9:44:51 PM (UTC) Active stake: ₳144.16kBlocks minted: 0Total stakeholders: 5Lifetime ROS: 0.6%Live stake: ₳142.58kPool Saturation: 0.2%